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2025, i hate it.!

Sooo. here i am. in 2025. i made it to live to 2025.  Im okay, but Im not happy. Im sad. and clueless. Im thinking about flying away. from all this mess.  Im honestly tired, but I have to live with it right? Im trying my best. to make it not obvious, trying my best to look okay. But at the end of the day, when its just me in my room. I begin to cry. Life is unfair, indeed. I need to remind myself that life is just temporary. But why its so hard? If i could go back to 2 years back, maybe... i will be ok? I will tell my self to make the right decisions. but what can i do now? nothing shit happened. can't go back. its too late. im trapped. i dont know what to do.  will i be sad for the rest of my life? i hope not.
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The End of 2024

 Hello its me. Ive been writing on this blog since I was maybe 12? I dont even remember. Right now its 10:13 pm, Dec 17th 2024. Guess what? I got married last month. Nov 17. It's pretty weird. I got married to the person I wrote about here too. Maybe if you read my past will find about him. It's really weird because I get to do things with a boy. I tell him things, I talk to him, he cooks for me, I clean for him. Like... tbh... I thought I would get married by the age of 35. That's why It is a very shocking condition. Im 28 years old now. no. Im not saying Im old, but Im just really mature now. OMG. Wait, this is just an intrusive thoughts, but can you imagine me as a MOM? a MOTHER? but wait, let's put it aside. I still have no plan to be a mother in the near time. I still want my free life. I mean, Its not that I dont want to be a mother, but I need more time to learn. Anyway, let's go back to being a wife: he is my best friend. he was and he is, and h...

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2024 update

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2022 update

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Sebenernya gak kosong juga sih. Tapi hanya merasa kosong. Ntah kenapa apa yg salah, seharusnya ini belajar buat ujian, eh malah tersesat nulis blog. sebenernya gak ada niat nulis apa-apa. Cuma gak sengaja buka blog, terus kebaca, terus agak baper. Kalo dipiki-pikir kok dulu agak bego ya apa-apa semua ditulis di blog. Agak sedikit nyesel, tapi gak apa lah buat tanda kalo pernah alay. Mungkin aku cuma butuh motivasi untuk meneruskan semua ini. Kadang capek betul, kayak gak ada semangat. Pingin kabur, tapi kemana? Pingin selesai aja, tapi gak semudah itu. Semua yang di ekspektasikan di awal, ternyata tidak semuanya benar. HaaHaaHaa. Yaudah deh, udah terlanjur juga. Mau gimana lagi? Cuma berharap aja dikasih kekuatan dan dukungan sampe nanti selesai. Susah sih, tapi insyaallah hasilnya pasti baik. Belum lagi ntar kepikiran hal-hal yang aneh, yang sebenernya tidak ada kapasitas otak saya untuk menampungnya. Dan kemudian itu akan menyingkirkan hal-hal lain yang lebih penting. Well, mungkin...