some things didn't work out, and it's for the best. i let go all the things i can't control and focusing on the things i can control. guess where i am now? in a big city. the place i thought i would never spend some times (for like about 3 months or less). i don't like it here, but i enjoy visiting new places on my day off. i think about my future and i am exciting again. i lost interest in life last year, i literally felt like i was done living. but i was wrong!! i was not done living, i was just with the wrong people. i found sparks again in life. and guess what? 2 days ago i just spent my time with the person i had crush on when i was... idk maybe 13? so funny and it was so unpredictable. hahaha. best days of my life. but sometimes i feel lonely here, i miss my cats and my bedroom. also the routine here is kinda boring. lifeless. i miss being free~ tbh. but i will get use to it. i always find a way to enjoy things (always). im writing this at work to look busy lol. oh btw, i have 2 cats now : molly and milo. both are females. but also i think about my stray cat suga. i hope somebody feed her and she will come to visit me again when i return home. im excited for what comes next in life, and i wish to be happy and live my life full of adventures. wish you all the best, zy!
Yak, saya nulis gini! Karena ini sesuatu banget cowok2 di kelas saya smp dulu sama di sma beda banget. Cowok2 di kelas saya pas smp tu kebanyakan cupu-cupu. Kalo yang di sma kebanyakan keren-keren. Nah ada beberapa perbedaan di antara mereka setelah saya perhatiin. well, hewego : 1. Cowok keren lebih berbacot dari pada cowok cupu Yak, ini tidak bisa dipungkiri, cowok keren tu banyak banget cakapnya. Kalo di kelas rame, cari gara2 melulu. Tapi kalo cowok cupu bawaannya diem, dan kadang bikin dunia sendiri gitu. 2. Cowok keren NGEGOSSIP ini entah hanya kelasku atau kelas yang lain. masak cowok di kelas sma saya suka nggosip. omg -,-' bandingin sama cowok2 cupunya, mereka cenderung careless sama apa yang ada di sekitarnya. 3. Cowok keren asyik di ajak ngomong emang iya sih, mereka asyik di ajak ngomong. Tapi, hati2 aja, mereka gak beda dari tante2 pinggir perempatan. xoxoxoxo. Cowok cupu agak susah diajak ngomog. Bawaanya sungkan trus kalo mau ngajakin ngomong. tapi kalo u...
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