Well, I don't know hot to tell this. My feel, my story, my tears, my laughs, and my life. I don't think I'm a Betty Smith with her "A tree grows in a brooklyn" or J.K. Rowling with her "Harry Potter", or any best author! I'm just me! Okay, listen to my story, well, it's kinda boring, but i have to post it! 1,2,3 : Dear birds, I like your songs, but can you please stop spelling his name! Dear moon, I like your smile, but can you please stop capturing his face! Dear starts, I like your lights, but can you please stop to make his shadows! I have no reason to love you, but I have no reason to forgetting you. My hands waiting for your hold! My heart screams of your name, that I can't help! You are the sun of the rain in my heart! You don't know! I write your name! But you never care! There's something, about us! I believe that! But the darkness came, and tell the truth. I wake, and everything is possible. Skies are telling the truth. You are not mine, and never supposed to be! Everyone annoys me! He's never be yours! I stand with my broken heart! Holding my hopes, and bring the memmories! No one care, and that's right! They don't have to care! Cause I'm lonely and alone. Walking through the fire and cats. I can't reach you, I can't hold you. You are my dreams! Never should be real! Broken!
Yak, saya nulis gini! Karena ini sesuatu banget cowok2 di kelas saya smp dulu sama di sma beda banget. Cowok2 di kelas saya pas smp tu kebanyakan cupu-cupu. Kalo yang di sma kebanyakan keren-keren. Nah ada beberapa perbedaan di antara mereka setelah saya perhatiin. well, hewego : 1. Cowok keren lebih berbacot dari pada cowok cupu Yak, ini tidak bisa dipungkiri, cowok keren tu banyak banget cakapnya. Kalo di kelas rame, cari gara2 melulu. Tapi kalo cowok cupu bawaannya diem, dan kadang bikin dunia sendiri gitu. 2. Cowok keren NGEGOSSIP ini entah hanya kelasku atau kelas yang lain. masak cowok di kelas sma saya suka nggosip. omg -,-' bandingin sama cowok2 cupunya, mereka cenderung careless sama apa yang ada di sekitarnya. 3. Cowok keren asyik di ajak ngomong emang iya sih, mereka asyik di ajak ngomong. Tapi, hati2 aja, mereka gak beda dari tante2 pinggir perempatan. xoxoxoxo. Cowok cupu agak susah diajak ngomog. Bawaanya sungkan trus kalo mau ngajakin ngomong. tapi kalo u...
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