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Showing posts from December, 2011
Well, I don't know hot to tell this. My feel, my story, my tears, my laughs, and my life. I don't think I'm a Betty Smith with her "A tree grows in a brooklyn" or J.K. Rowling with her "Harry Potter", or any best author! I'm just me! Okay, listen to my story, well, it's kinda boring, but i have to post it! 1,2,3 : Dear birds, I like your songs, but can you please stop spelling his name! Dear moon, I like your smile, but can you please stop capturing his face! Dear starts, I like your lights, but can you please stop to make his shadows! I have no reason to love you, but I have no reason to forgetting you. My hands waiting for your hold! My heart screams of your name, that I can't help! You are the sun of the rain in my heart! You don't know! I write your name! But you never care! There's something, about us! I believe that! But the darkness came, and tell the truth. I wake, and everything is possible. Skies are telling the truth. You a...


Itu semua! itu semua! Aku memimpikannya! Mimpiku, Imajinasiku! Bahkan ku rela membuat yang beru demi itu semua! Kebahagiaanku, hanyalah bayangan semu di baling sirius. Di dalam cahaya nebula yang mungkin tak berujung. Aku tidak bisa kau lihat! Kau terlalu susah untuk ku gapai! Engkau hanyalah oase bagiku! Aku nyata bagimu, tapi kau tak pernah mengaggapku! Kau mengenang, hanya mengenang! Sebesit! Secercah! Segelintir! Ah apalah itu. Y!


Well, hello blogger! Yayaya, Lemme tell you something. Well, it happended when I was 13. I closed with someone. Actually, he's so far away from me. He's in a town near Surabaya, while Im in Madiun. We talked via massage and phone almost ALL THE TIME! I like him! He's my best friend's bestie :). My bestie told that he was a good boy, smart, lovely, fun, but!!! He's a PLAYBOY! WELL DONE! I tried to stop talking with him T_T Ahhhh, He's so awesome, and so handsome!! :( We haven't communicate for 2 years. And on FB he deleted me as his friend! Ahhhhh Now, he has a gf :( :'( I MISS HIM!!! REALLY REALLY MISS HIM!